Enabling change-makers worldwide to redefine the coming decades. For 12 years and just warming up.

Leaders are defined by their decisions.

To expand, to course-correct, to transform, to cease unsuccessful initiatives?

Cost of indecision: missed opportunities, redundant efforts, loss of trust, obsolescence.

Allow us to end the limbo. 

The world loses when leaders stall.

Each day’s plate is full as it is. Before you know it, another month, quarter, a year has passed without your legacy-defining idea getting the attention it deserves. We exist to counter that. Let us leverage 2-5% of your headspace t0 define and drive the change you envision while you get on with your commitments!

Vital decisions are hard.

Each day’s distractions justify inaction, and each choice rejects other options. This is why we help you consider all viable possibilities both rigorously and swiftly, leveraging the scarce minutes you can spare towards informed go/no-go points. And this is also why we help you decide on a validation process. Still, making vital decisions can be confronting and takes courage.

The benefits

With us amplifying the best of who you are as a leader, you will know more, analyze more deeply, write better, lead smoother, and face your detractors prepared. Regardless of what each day holds, you will always be advancing what matters and unlocking potential others can’t even see.  



Align and mobilize your Board, team, and partners.


Stop ineffective, redundant, or misdirected activity; channel all energy into results.


Reject the opportunity cost of indecision; trigger that exponential curve.


Be the visionary, informed, and decisive leader who meets the moment.

Our pathways

The greater your aspirations, the more defensible our analysis must be.

Opportunity analysis

Investment business cases

Financial modelling

Meticulous planning

Change Leadership
We have globally unparalleled expertise in transformational change.

Mastery of systems thinking

Human-centric design

Industry transformation campaigns

Proven ability to launch initiatives

Stakeholder Engagement
On-boarding internal and external actors to mobilize change and mitigate risk.

Expert facilitation

Event planning and hosting

Conflict resolution

Planning and oversight of social media strategy


At all times, we are coaching you and helping you communicate.

Even if this is your first rodeo, we’ve been here before and will guide you every step of the way, from all relevant theory to preparing you to lead the change you are activating.

We will ghost-write for you and coordinate multi-media story telling. Still, since that is the least of it where it comes to persuasion, we’ll drive actionable consensus across your audiences.

Our philosophy

Vivit exists because the world loses when leaders stall. 

Our clients are testament to our value


In my years of experience working with Elena, multiple successful outcomes have been achieved as a direct result of her leadership and continuous strive for change, at both the strategic and the tactical levels. 

Adam Freebairn. Sinyar Property Management. Abu Dhabi. 


Elena worked with us to facilitate discussions and engage a wide range of stakeholders to assist in resolving a complex issue. Elena's unique facilitation style and methodology, her ability to listen and value the diverse views of stakeholders, and her expertise in analysing complex issues produced a very successful outcome for us and has strongly influenced our forward strategy. We recommend Elena for her new and holistic ways of learning and understanding complex sustainability issues.

Sophi MacMillan. CEO, Vinyl Council of Australia.

Elena has delivered some inspiring and thought-provoking programs to Interface, opening our minds to strategic opportunities and challenges for the business over the longterm. She knows her subject, conveys a high level of enthusiasm and engages well with our people.

Rob Coombs. MD, Interface Australia.


Elena has the ability to bring great value to the resolution of complex issues through an insightful and intelligent approach to problem identification and the definition of actions required to resolve those problems through innovative processes. She has a personable and collaborative style that encourages the creation or enhancement of "team".

Michael Roxburgh. Health Sector expert. Australia.

I recommend Elena for the energetical and professional manner she was involved in the launching of the South African Green Building Council and green building in South Arica in general.

Adrian Pretorius. ArchiNet Architects. South Africa.


The retail sector that we operate within is undergoing rapid, unprecedented change. We engaged Elena Bondareva to facilitate a Directors workshop. The brief was simple. Test the waters on current strategic thinking and engage with all minds around the table to deliver a clearly defined set of plans and actions. Elena draws from significant business experience and applies a high degree of lateral thinking to stimulate and challenge ideas and formulate outcomes that were extremely valuable to our organization.

Daniel Jordon. CEO, Collins Bookseller. Australia.

I employed Vivit to contribute an alternative view for a risk and opportunity workshop where her input provided that alternative point of view which resulted in new streams of discussion. Elena is an excellent communicator, direct and refreshingly honest, possesses both emotional and technical intelligence, coupled with a world view that would benefit any venture. Some people’s education evokes precedence based thinking, Elena can think forward.

James Redwood. GHD. Australia.


Elena is expert in challenging the status quo and helping clients understand what is possible. She has a great work ethic and 'whatever it takes' attitude to deliver a successful result. Relationships are very important to Elena and she has a great client service focus.

Warren Guymer. TSA Management. Australia.


Elena is a leader in sustainability and an outstanding strategic thinker. 

Paul Crapper FAICD FCPA

Elena is a dynamic and professional strategic consultant who can both provide direct strategic advice for your business, or facilitate effective business strategy development. We used Elena to facilitate our group strategic planning sessions, and came out with the best results in more than ten years. I have no hesitation in recommending Elena.

Jason Langer. Group MD, Robert Bird Group. Australia


Delay no longer.

Let’s define your legacy.