Enabling the exit of professional service firms

“Everybody was extremely impressed with the insight; it was both valuable and challenging.” - MD, Engineering Firm

 “[Elena Bondareva is] a dynamic and professional strategic consultant who can both provide direct strategic advice for your business, or facilitate effective business strategy development… came out with the best results in more than ten years.” - NSW Manager: Structures


The Great Financial Crisis shrunk the Australian market for professional services like engineering, which cheap Asian labor had already been steadily threatening. For a firm that wanted to hold on to staff and revenue, increasing market share became a mandate, not an option. Furthermore, many logic-based tasks are increasingly automated, challenging professionals to find higher-value applications of their skills. Vivit had worked with a number of professional services firms to solidify competitive advantage, attract talent, and boost proposal success ratings.

Vivit’s founder worked with a boutique international engineering firm over two cycles of annual strategic planning. To enable robust decisions, including those allocating investment, to be made during the Strategy Day, we ran a two-month preparation that pieced together the sparse intervals of time that management can allocate to strategic thinking. Using our environmental scanning tools, the management identified and analyzed potential opportunities before pitching them to the Board. The outcomes have seen the opening of new offices, investment in software platforms and new recruitment tactics. And in 2017, the firm was acquired; an exit that Vivit has enabled for four of its professional services clients.


Launching a new industry


Triaging a national change program